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Selected Chapters in Books

“Marking Gender Boundaries: Piss, Porn, Power Tools.” Chapter 5 of We'll Call You. Reprinted in: Global Perspectives on Gender & Work. Jacqueline Goodman. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2010. Part VII, Ch. 30: 417-431. Gender and Work in Today's World: A Reader. Nancy Sacks and Catherine Marrone. Boulder: Westview/Perseus, 2004. Feminist Frontiers, Fifth Edition. Laurel Richardson, Verta Taylor and Nancy Whittier. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000. Sect. 6: Ch 27.


“Still Waiting After All These Years: Women in the US Construction Industry.” Women in Construction. Linda Clarke et al. Netherlands: Reed Elsevier, 2004. 188-201. 

“‘Changing Waters Carry Voices’: ‘Nine Poems for the unborn child.’” ‘How Shall We Tell Each Other of the Poet?’: The Life and Writing of Muriel Rukeyser. Anne Herzog and Janet Kaufman. New York: St. Martins, 1999. 184-192.


“Hard-Hatted Women.” Modern American Women, 2nd Edition. Susan Ware. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996. 324-330. Reprinted from: "Electrician." Hard-Hatted Women. Molly Martin. Seattle: Seal Press, 1988. 216-224.


“Tradeswomen: An Endangered Species?” Front Line Feminism, 1975-1995. Karen Kahn. San Francisco: Aunt Lute, 1995. 94-96.

Selected Essays/Articles/Reviews in Journals


Move the Decimal Point blog.

“Caution: Women at Work.” The Progressive 75.8 (September 2011): 26-29.

“Isolation of Tradeswomen Melts at Rare Conference.” Womensenews 27 May 2011.

“Misogyny Hurts Craft Labor.” Engineering News-Record 247.16 (15 October 2001): 55.

“The Voice of a Major Poet at Death’s Interruption.” Review of The Great Unknowing: Last Poems by Denise Levertov. Sojourner (December 2000): 39.

“Women’s Work.” The Boston Globe. Labor Day editorial column, (September 7, 1998): A20.

"The Art of the Food Swap." Working Mother (September 1996): 76-77.

“Ballet! Touché!” Mothering 75 (Summer 1995): 78-81.

"The New Worker: Women Hard Hats Speak Out." The Nation (September 18, 1989): 272 -276.   

Selected Studies/Policy Writing

Full Speed Ahead: Making the Workforce Work for Women –– A Framework for the 21st Century. Washington, D.C.: Wider Opportunities for Women, 2003.

Selected Poems in Books


“Following the Blueprint” and “The Elder.” Eating the Pure Light: Homage to Thomas McGrath. John Bradley. Omaha: Blackwaters, 2009.

“First Day on a New Jobsite,” “Hanging In, Solo,” “Homage,” and “Wiretalk.” American Working-Class Literature. Nicholas Coles and Janet Zandy. New York: Oxford, 2006.

“‘Parties Must Be Appropriately Dressed.’” Proposing on the Brooklyn Bridge: Poems About Marriage. Ginny Lowe Connors. West Hartford: Grayson, 2003.168-169.

“Hanging In, Solo” and “Subway Conversations.” Literature, Class, and Culture. Paul Lauter and Ann Fitzgerald. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, 2001. 131, 57.

“Losing Baseball, the 1950s.” Whatever It Takes: Women on Women’s Sport. Joli Sandoz and Joby Winans. New York: Farrar, Straus, 1999. 229.

“Pioneering.” Commonwealth of Toil/Chapters in the History of Massachusetts Workers and Their Unions. Tom Juravich, William Hartford and James Green. Amherst: Massachusetts, 1996. 168.

“To a Single Mother.” For Crying Out Loud!/Women’s Poverty in the United States. Diane Dujon and Ann Withorn. Boston: South End Press, 1996. 17.

“Breastfeeding At Night.” I Am Becoming the Woman I've Wanted. Sandra Martz. Watsonville: Papier-Maché, 1994. 109.

“First Day On a New Jobsite,” “Through the Ceiling, Maiden Voyage,” “Hanging In, Solo,” “Asbestos,” and “Warningsigns.” Paperwork: Contemporary Poems from the Job. Tom Wayman. British Columbia: Harbour, 1991. 75-77, 79-81, 169, 217.

“Battleground.” Angels of Power and other reproductive creations. Susan Hawthorne and Renate Klein. Melbourne: Spinifex, 1991. 62.

“First Day On a New Jobsite” and “It’s a Good Thing I’m Not Macho.” Calling Home. Janet Zandy. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1990. 240-44.

Poetry Chapbooks

Susan Eisenberg Greatest Hits 1982-2003. Johnstown, OH: Pudding House Publications, 2004.

Editor, Coffee Break Secrets. Boston: Word of Mouth Productions, 1988. 43 pages. Chapbook of U.S. and Canadian work poetry. 





“Sometimes Lucky, Sometimes Not.” Six-photo essay. Bridges 11.1 (Spring 2006) 50-54


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